Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Dream Home

Located just a few miles up Spanish Fork Canyon on Highway 6 is my dream home. I know, I know...guys probably aren't supposed to have those. I like this house more for it's location than anything else (i could do without the pink exterior...but i'd also put up with it just to live there). Anyway, I'm sure after looking at the picture below, you'll understand why.

Nothing beats a leisurely drive up the canyon during this time of year. Unfortunately, the camera just never seems to do it least not when I'm behind the camera. But, you get the idea.

1 comment:

  1. Travis,
    I am totally on the same page as you with the dream home. I, too, dream of living some place like that one day.
    Neighbors are for the birds.
    And I do love your photos, especially the train tracks one. Keep it up.
